How to Help Teens Stay Sober

Published by Ian Blackford on 28-March-2019. Category:Teen Addiction

Teens easily succumb to drug addiction. As a parent, it’s your role to support them to early recovery.

One Study by the University of Washington revealed 71% of teens will relapse between 90 days and six months after completing a treatment program. This means it’s important to get as much information as possible if your teen is addicted to substances such as drugs or alcohol.

Take active participation

Your child may have gone through rehabilitation and resolved to remain sober thereafter. However, it’s still possible for them to retreat back to the old ways. Now, what should you do?

As a parent, you should maximize even the slightest opportunity to help your child remain sober. Despite the fact that your teen has the final say, there is a lot you can do to help them. Below are ways to go about it.

Make your home safe.

Your home should offer a save heaven to your child once out of rehab. Clean your home by replacing whatever things that can tempt your child. Remove anything alcoholic such as beverages and mouthwash.

The aim here is to keep away anything that may relapse whatever skills coped during the rehabilitation.

Since it’s impossible for the rest of your family to stay without alcohol, consider other alternatives. For instance, you can have your favorite beer far from home. With time, you can introduce alcohol in your home once your teen has recovered fully.

Identify and manage triggers

Most people turn to drugs as a way of escaping some situations. As a parent, you need to find those factors that influence your teen into drugs. Maybe yelling is a trigger. As a result, it’s important to engage in peaceful ways of resolving conflicts without yelling at each other.

Verbal abuse is another contributing factors. Avoid making disgracing comments or hurting for no reason. Instead, replace such habits with constructive communication.

Take advantages of family activities

Engaging in many activities is one approach used in rehabilitation. This includes activities such as yoga, weight lifting, nature walks, jogging among others. Therefore every family member should actively participate in such similar activities.

Do whatever it takes even if it means participating in gym lessons. Such activities will create a positive impact on your child. This serves to strengthen your family bond as all family members are engaged in similar activities. Ensure you do everything as a family such as going for a walk together or attending a movie show. Even eating your favorite pizza at home does wonder.

Consider support groups

Any drug addict understands the importance of joining a local support group. Among the many aftercare options designed for teens are 12 step programs. They are similar to adult programs and all functions to support teens facing similar challenges.

This enables them to attend meeting whether scheduled or unplanned. Such groups give your teen a sense of belonging. They allow teens to release tension, speak their fears, frustrations or whatever holding them back.

Also, there are many other aftercare options. If your child is interested, then you can consider an ongoing therapy. Meanwhile, focus on finding local options then sharing them with your child.

Find your own support group

You too as well as other family members should look for a support group. These groups take care of those secondary victims of drug addiction. They will help you realize there are many other people going through the same situation. You get a chance to learn from each other thus inspiring you never to give up in helping your teen recover.

Work progressively

Drug addiction requires a person to work things little by little. Don’t say you will never taste alcohol again. Instead, I will minimize my daily drinking to twice a week. As a parent, you should also set your own goal and stick on them each day. This kind of mentality does wonders in helping every family member to accomplish things successfully.

Understand that a single setback is not the end of it all.

No matter how hard you push, it’s normal for a relapse to happen. Once that happens, you need to understand that it’s not yet over. Instead, use the experience as a platform to learn and push harder. Also, learn to balance the situation.

While it’s important not to overreact, don’t underestimate whatever happened. Stay cool but don’t seek for justification. Share the events as they happened to everyone. Know where you performed low and look for ways to improve in the future. If possible, bring in a few changes to avoid another mistake.

Both of you have a strong heart to fight to the last minute. With joint efforts, it’s much possible to realize your dream to sobriety. Give genuine compliments when necessary. When things go wrong, criticize constructively and give room for change. Such actions will help your teen recover from addiction and live a sober life.