Am I Ready to Overcome Addiction?

Published by Ian Blackford on 09-April-2019. Category:Recovery

The key moment in beginning a journey of recovery is the realisation and determination to do so. It can be difficult to know when it’s time to take that step and there are many questions you will find yourself asking.

Being ready for recovery doesn’t come immediately and for many, the journey is harboured with doubts.

We all doubt ourselves and our abilities from time to time, but if you see these signs within yourself then the chances are, you are strong and ready to overcome addiction.

You’ve reached your limit

With every form of addiction or compulsive behaviour, there comes a moment of realisation that enough is enough. It may arrive in a moment, or after a period of reflection; this is the time when we realise that we cannot continue to live this way and that we are ready for change.

You are your motivation

As humans, with an innate sense of responsibility to our loved ones, we often do things to please others. This is common for those embarking on a recovery plan. It is not until we become our own motivation that change truly happens; when you start wanting to change for yourself, that is the indication that you are ready for a long-term recovery.

You long for a future free from addiction

The moment you begin to see a sober future and your ambitions and dreams start to feel like a possibility, you know you are ready for recovery. Each day that you are sober opens-up more opportunities for a brighter future. You’ll begin to enjoy time with your friends and family, achieving milestones that you previously didn’t believe were possible.

When you move beyond denial

Once you have moved past the stage of denial and accepted that you are suffering from a problem, the next step will be to seek treatment. Those suffering from addiction often go through a period of denial, which can return as an obstacle later in the treatment. Relatives must understand that this is a defence mechanism, shielding the individual from guilt and shame. It is important that during this stage, loved ones avoid judgement, instead favouring a supportive approach to encourage the individual’s self-realisation.


During this stage, you may find yourself realising the effects that the addiction has had on your personal, social and financial life. Once you have realised that it is your condition that has created this negativity, you are ready to make the changes.

Recovery takes a willingness to learn new ways of think, new behavioural habits, and learning the tools that will keep you on the journey of recovery. There is never a perfect time to enter recover, there are always challenges, so take the step. Choose a different life and surround yourself with the friends, family, and professional support that will support you on the road to recovery. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Further resources: